Title | Marking | Dimensions (mm) |
Ingot "H" | IH 280 | 280x15x30 |
Ingot small 200 | IM 200 | 203x120x65 |
Ingot medium 265 | IS 265 | 265x90x60 |
Ingot large 580 | IV 580 | 580x90x90 |
Rod 390 | T 390 | 390x10x13 |
Rod 330 | T 330 | 330x26x21 |
Rod 500 | T 500 | 500x47x26 |
Anode cylindrical 50 | AV 50 | 650x50 |
Anode plate 600 | AD 600 | 600x200x20 |
Anode plate 800 | AD 800 | 800x200x20 |
Anode plate 990 | AD 990 | 990x93x24 |
Possibilities of chemical composition:
Sn90Pb10 |
Sn60Pb40 |
Sn50Pb50 |
Pb60Sn40 |
Pb70Sn30 |
Based on your requirements, we are able to create any chemical composition and also design new types of products according to your requirements.
Basic product shapes